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Webinar Below (Click Video For Sound)
Time Stamps
- 00:12- How to change the WORLD with your message, product, service, or experience.
- 06:07 - The F-18 "Maverick Magic Move" fighter pilot secret for getting paid to share your message.
- 09:48 - The shortcuts to becoming a funny, compelling, and powerful speaker now.
- 16:48 - Discover the 3 stages for any speaker and how to speed through Stage #2 and #3 to become more congruently YOU.
- 22:14 - The 9 parts to a great presentation along with word-for-word scripting you can use in every talk.
- 22:44 - The "Coffee Shop Principle" for immediately and easily connecting with any audience (Hint: this can eliminate stage fright too)
- 34:15 - Ed teaches the 4 core ways to make money as a speaker. (NOTE: you're probably missing most if not all of these).
- 34:49 - How raising your fees can actually get you MORE speaking deals.
The Event Description
- 43:30 - A short invitation to The Ultimate Speaker Event along with a $100 discount code AND invitation to a private lunch on Day #1.
The Guarantee
- 49:10 - You'll make an extra $60,000 in the next 12 months or you get 3x your money back.
- 55:59 - Do you want to be one of the speakers at The Ultimate Speaker event?
Q&A Continues
- 1:01:04 - The Story Bridge Technique - the simple way to take ANY story and use to make ANY point.
- 1:03:04 - The ideal number of teaching points per talk.
- 1:13:00 - How to find the perfect audience for your presentations.
- 1:29:04 - How to start and launch a podcast that will bring you new leads and customers. (You can also do this to get to know celebrities)
- 1:35:40 - The 3 words to type into Google that can get you 12+ (PAID) speaking events a year. (NOTE: The ONLY google search term you need to book your speaking calendar completely FULL.)
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