Top Gun Consultant Instant Access...
Discover The Insider Secrets That Are PROVEN to Make an Extra $10,000 (or More) Per Month With What You Already Know. (No Experience Required!)
Read Below For My Outrageous, Never-Seen-Before $5,000 Guarantee:
Grab Your Copy of The Course and Implement The Strategies It Teaches You, and I Guarantee YOU WILL Make at Least an Extra $5,000 In the Next 60 Days Or Your Money Back.
Top Gun Consultant
Instant Access Now
From the desk of Ed Rush...
I’ll get straight to the point.
Consultants make more money (especially now).
That’s because as the world becomes uncertain, people and businesses look for MORE advice (not less) which makes them even more likely to look for YOU. So…
If you want to make more in the next 3 months than you made in the last 3 years…
If you want to build a business that truly supports your goals, dreams, and lifestyle…
If you want to work less, be 100% congruent, live a balanced and healthy life...
If you want to grow a heart-based business that you’re excited to jump out of bed for every day, feeling energized and excited, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and intellectually whole.
If you KNOW that you’re in a place where you need or want to reinvent yourself, your business, your career or you just don’t like doing what you’re doing anymore or don’t feel congruent with the path you’re on…
And… if you want to do all of that by using what is already in your head…NO experience...NO Degree...NO formal training required...
THEN YOU are in the right place because in the next few minutes I’ll show you the single biggest money-making opportunity in today’s marketplace can be unleashed with no overhead, no team, no budget, and nothing more than the things you know and the contacts on your phone.
I know it sounds far fetched and I know you’ve probably “heard it all before.”
Which is why I am putting my money where my mouth is.
You see… I’ve done everything I am about to show you. I have personally made $8-Figures as a consultant and I’ve helped HUNDREDS of students make a lot of money too.
For me, it wasn’t even that hard...
This Might Shock You
But It All Started With
This One Simple Money Question...
"I want to hire you for a consulting day. How much is that going to cost?”
Imagine hearing someone say that. Well, that’s how it started for me in 2008.
Problem was: Back then, I had NO idea what I “cost.” Not a single clue.
So, I shuffled my feet, hemmed and hawed, and then nervously blurted...
“Um, my ‘normal rate’ is $5,500, but for you I’ll do it for $2,500.”
That’s when my new client threw out his hand and said:
That same guy went out 2-weeks later and raked in $189,000 from a product that we invented together in his consulting session.
Fast forward 12 years…
I’ve been paid well to consult 1-on-1 with over 570 entrepreneurs. I’ve raised my fees from $2,500 to well over $25,000 per client.
But what’s more important is that I’ve learned the consulting business and I documented every step in the process.
For example...
When a prospect calls, there are 3 questions they ask in the exact same order. If you have the right answer to all 3 questions you will get paid a lot of money to help them achieve their goals.
There are a minimum of 2 things you absolutely must have on your website and a max of 6. If you are missing these components, you will lose every single deal (and what’s worse you’ll never know why).
There are 3 things a prospect will say in response to your fees. Just 3 things. Not 2 or 4, but 3. If you know what to say in response to each of those 3 things, you will make more money from every deal.
There are exactly 2 “tells” that tire-kickers give. So if you want to avoid tire-kicking prospects who waste your time and never pay you money, then knowing these 2 tells and you will save massive amounts of time and energy.
And much, much more.
Over 12 years…
- I learned how to get clients and how to deliver a great service.
- I learned how to get paid well for giving advice.
- I learned how to build my business around my life and not the other way around.
- And I have a box full of hundreds of thank you notes to prove I know how to deliver great service to my clients.
I also know everything you have read in the last 20 seconds has been the very thing that keeps you from going all-in with Consulting.
Which is why I always hear this question:
“Sure, Ed, It Worked for You, But...
Could Anyone Use Your Strategies
To Make a Ton of Money Too?”
About 10 years ago, I decided to definitely answer this question. That’s when a friend challenged me to put my money where my mouth was.
You see, by then I was already a highly paid consultant and business advisor. He challenged me to teach a small group of students and see if my system could work for someone besides me.
So I brought 28 people into my first program.
I showed them 3 things:
- How to help people with their business
- How to ask for the sale
- And how to close a deal.
Then I gave them all the scripts, all the forms and all the agreements.
Literally, everything that they would need to be successful.
Then, I did that same class for 4 more nearly-identical groups. More than 75% of my students had NO consulting experience whatsoever, and some had NO business experience, too.
They came from all walks of life…
- a home-school Mom
- a baseball coach
- a horse trainer
- a radio producer for ABC / Disney
- a motivational speaker
- a retired doctor
- a balloon vendor
- a financial advisor
- and 118 other people from every background imaginable.
The million-dollar question is, “Did it work?”
After conducting 5 classes, I sent a survey to the 127 people who took my classes to ask them what kind of success they had.
The response totally blew me away…
87.4% Said They Closed a Major Deal,
Ranging From $2,000 to $250,000!
And the kicker is, it was within the first 2 months of taking the training.
Not only that, but over half of those people had closed deals within 2-weeks of the training.
In other words, we flipped the 80 / 20 RULE on its head. Over 80% of the students made money… and many made SIGNIFICANT money.
It was right then I knew this was a wildly successful system.
I knew it could work for anyone as long as they followed my tools. It doesn’t matter what you know, what you do or used to do, or what level of skill you have.
Plus, the system flat-out works because it’s based on real-world principles that are both time- and battle-tested.
So write this down...
To make money as a consultant, you NEED two things...
- The desire or the willingness to help people.
- The moral fortitude or the willingness to ask for the sale.
Now imagine…
What would it be like to make $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000 a month more in income?
What would it be like to have a big smile on your face as you get a thank you note from a happy client?
What would it be like to have a lifestyle business where you can travel anywhere you want… and get paid to do it.
That’s possible — and based on my numbers, maybe more like “probable” — when you follow my lead, invest in this system, and implement the tools.
And now I’d like to show you how to make a lot of money helping people.
Because here is the thing, and I can’t emphasize this enough...
Consultants. Make. More. Money.
According to recent statistics, employed consultants can earn as much as $120,000, and freelance consultants can earn as much as a whopping $500,000 or more.
It’s actually common for many independent consultants to make over a million dollars.
Consultants make more money, pure and simple. They also live more connected and more meaningful lives, and impact more people.
When you become a consultant, you will have more freedom to set your own schedules, not answer to “the man,” and more importantly, you can be with your family whenever you like.
Consulting is a LIFESTYLE business!
Consultants do make more money, but honestly, this isn’t about the money.
This is about acquiring the skills you need to market and promote yourself, provide valuable services, close deals (and bigger deals, too), grow your confidence, and live a more meaningful life that impacts more people.
Understand that what you know has value; and have faith in your ability to leverage your skills.
Consultants make more money when YOU learn the right skills to close deals.
If you’ve spent five, 10, 15 or even more years as a contributor, then you have incredibly valuable experience, know-how and knowledge… and you can profit from it.
Actually, let me ask you a question: are you a new consultant or an experienced one?
- If you’ve never considered becoming a consultant, I’ll show you how you can start making money...
Even if you feel unqualified, even if you’ve never closed a deal, or even if you don’t know the first thing about marketing, getting leads, or drumming up business…
… What I’m going to teach you will help you transform yourself so that you can achieve your desired results.
- If you’re an experienced consultant, then I’d like to show you how to ADD zeros to your yearly income. Some of the most veteran consultants have profited immensely from these power-packed skills and training I’m about to deliver.
Now, if you think the consulting business is saturated, think again.
The Consulting Market Is a Massive
½ Trillion-Dollar Business… And Booming!
And it’s now even more so because of the recent pandemic.
There is a WIDE open door for you to start or grow a coaching or consulting business. Here are just a handful of real-life data figures that will put a big smile on your face.
- According to Plunkett Research, the consulting market has grown from $391 billion to a $506 billion behemoth in the past 8 years, and continues to rise steadily.
- Moreover, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that consulting is expected to grow by as much 83%, making it the fastest-growing industry in recent history.
- Both Forbes and Inc. magazines are saying that a consulting business (even if they’re home-based) is one of the top 10 most profitable business types you can run or start.
- And while the traditional, travelling consultant industry has been hit by COVID (it shrank by 0.5%), the remote, independent consulting industry has increased by 3.8% and is still growing.
But what if you don’t feel qualified to consult?
Have no fear. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that 28% of consultants don't have a degree of any kind.
The truth is, companies are scrambling right now to fill huge talent gaps, and are willing to hire consultants because they need results. Not degrees.
In fact, any consultant with valuable skills or knowledge, and an established reputation, will rarely if ever be asked about their education.
Plus, There Are Literally MORE Deals
Than Consultants, Which Means You Can
Start Making Money Right Now.
According to The Consulting Bible, there are about 400,000 people in the US who call themselves consultants. The US Small Business Association reports that there are 23 million small businesses in America and 150 million worldwide.
And that doesn’t even count the sole proprietor start-ups and home-based businesses; and a lot of speakers, authors, and coaches which, according to a recent Forbes article, adds up to another 22 million.
Now, let’s do some math, shall we?
Let’s just assume that half of the small businesses alone know they need help with their business in some way.
That’s conservative. It’s probably more, but that puts us at right around 11.5 million, which means that there are 11.5 million spread out to about 400,000 consultants.
That’s 28 businesses for every ONE consultant.
It follows that each business is fighting with 28 other businesses for the attention of a consultant like you who could help them do things.
Things such as get more leads, close more sales, use social media, produce video, publish books, come up with a winning strategy… or anything on the list below.
Now, let’s make a fair assumption.
Let’s assume that as much as 90% of the 400,000 consultants have NO clue how to market themselves or close deals — remember, I was there, too, when I was first asked that pivotal question that started me on this path years ago.
And, to make things worse for them (better for you), they also don’t have the tools to deliver like you will after investing in this system.
That means that the number of businesses looking for the help that you can provide could be more like 100 to 200 in just a few mile radius around your town.
It’s HUGE.
- That’s 100 businesses that could possibly pay you $5,000 $10,000 or $15,000 a month.
- That’s 100 businesses that will gladly share a percentage of profits from the value you provide when you increase their income
- That’s 100 businesses that will send you thank-you cards, emails and messages when you simply deliver a service that can take you thirty minutes or less to set up.
It’s the ultimate win-win. Which is why now is a great time to start or grow a consulting or coaching business.
And what’s even more exciting is the example above was just for business consulting. But you can use this system for every kind of advice imaginable including: health, relationships, fitness, mindset, marketing, gardening, and more.
Consultants do make more money.
Sounds like a “hypey” marketing claim, right? Wrong.
This is based on cold hard facts.
The average person makes $37,906.49 more by consulting than working directly in an industry… and in some of these industries, the difference is literally six figures…
… And these are just averages!
That’s because businesses would rather buy skills and knowledge that gets them results, as they need them, and pay more money for them…
… Rather than having to go through the costly time and trouble of advertising, searching, finding, interviewing, vetting, hiring, onboarding, training, offering benefits to, and paying taxes for someone on a permanent, locked-in basis.
But with the right training and tools, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have an unfair advantage and do much better than the average.
Consultants really do make more money!
If you’re looking for ideas, here’s how you can start quickly.
Go back to that “salary vs. consulting” list of jobs above, and check off all the skills you have and all the things you can possibly do as a consultant.
Circle the top 3-5 that you might be most passionate about.
Now imagine you could get paid for those at a rate of $1,000 per day or more per project. How much would you make per year? Can you see what’s possible for you?
This can work for you.
And the great news is that the “average” consultant doesn’t have the tools inside of the Top Gun Consultant System.
Are you getting excited about this? You should be. But if you are skeptical or you still don't know what you are going to consult on or about, don’t worry.
You should consult if you are looking for a way to:
- start a business with zero risk and no capital.
- make some additional income and revenue.
- grow your existing business; or help someone else grow theirs.
- gain experience and knowledge in a business you’re interested in.
- earn money while you start or launch your own company.
- build a powerful network of business owners.
So let me tell you about…
The World’s Most Comprehensive System
For Showing You, Step By Step, How to Make
Massive Money as an In-Demand Consultant.
Remember when I told you about my 127 students who quickly rose to success quickly using my tools?
Well, I am doing it again.
And I’d like to invite you to learn from me and then easily see the results in your life and business. The great news is that the system has gotten even better!
The Top Gun Consultant System is the culmination of 12-years of research, study, and implementation. It’s also PROVEN to work over and over again.
Aren’t you ready for something that has a proven track record instead of the usual empty promises and hype?
The tools inside of the system have been responsible for more than $10,000,000 of revenue in my business and millions of dollars more for my students.
The system FLAT-OUT-WORKS. Period. In fact, I guarantee it!
It works so consistently that I am putting my money where my mouth is.
I’m GUARANTEEING you will make at least $5,000 in the first 60 days after using this system, or you’ll get a full refund.
No one else makes this kind of outrageous guarantee.
Many of the “how to become a consultant” training courses on the market right now either don't work, are too basic (they just teach fundamentals that may not all work in the real world), or are more about the business of consulting than they are about the selling of it.
So you learn, but then you have to swim on your own.
And if you fail, they’ll blame you and say it’s your fault, your responsibility, and your loss.
But not me. I don’t just want to teach you.
I want to become your personal advisor... A “partner” in your success.
So let’s take a closer look at what you get...
You get everything you need to run a seamless, successful consulting business written for you.
This includes the Entire Collection of Top Gun Consultant Resources, and all of the training materials, notes, forms, agreements, proposals, templates, scripts, and done-for-you resources.
Module #1
How to Rapidly Position as the GO TO Person in Your Market or Niche.
- Discover how to become the “obvious expert” by implementing 1 of 8 Positioning Tools. These can drastically increase your chances of closing big deals and significantly reduce nearly any price resistance from your prospects.
- Positioning is what gets them ready to say yes...and to pay you well. And you might be surprised at how easy it is going to be to achieve expert positioning especially when you know how.
- You’ll also learn my “insider” tip for connecting with celebrities and influencers. (HINT: this strategy got me on FOX TV).
Module #2
The 6-Consultant Pricing Strategies to Make More on Every Deal.
- Discover how to get maximum value from every consulting deal by crafting “no brainer” offers. (Most consultants or coaches fail because they underestimate the value of their time, experience, and story. I’ll show you how to get maximum value from every consulting deal by crafting win-win offers.)
- You’ll learn how to implement my 6 pricing models in the real world with no stress.
- You’ll also learn how to read a prospect’s mind and get them to tell you what they want to pay you (instead of the other way around).
Module #3
How to Command Attention, Communicate With Influence, and Present With Authority.
- You’ll get my 30+ X-ray questions you can ask any client so they virtually beg you to work with them.
- With ZERO experience, I’ll show you how to create compelling presentations that instantly reveal your prospects’ marketing weaknesses, fears, needs and core challenges so they’re ready to do business with you on your terms.
- I’ll also give you a list of razor sharp x-ray questions you can ask any client so they virtually beg you to work with them - it’s the fastest way to help a prospect arrive at your conclusion.
- NOTE: past students have literally pulled the questions right out of the manual, asked them to a prospect, and then closed a deal. It works!
Module #4
You’ll Close Deals With a Proven System to Persuade, Influence and Ask for the Sale, Either 1-on-1 or 1-to-Many.
- Get word-for-word scripting on how to present and justify your price and how to get someone to say yes, without sounding “salesy” or pushy.
- I’ll ALSO give you word-for-word scripting on how to counter any objection, and how to ask for the sale in a congruent, conversational way. In other words, you can be 100% YOU… and still get paid. In fact, when you do this right, the client will often feel like you aren’t charging them enough!
- You’ll also get my best strategies for pitching One-To-Many (my favorite method) which means you can close multiple deals at a time.
- PLUS, it’s all written out for you and scripted for you including all the questions, forms, answers, presentations, proposals, and more.
- AND… to arm you for even more success, you’ll also get a speech outline and script you can use to stand up on any stage and close sales — even if the last time you spoke publicly was Mrs. Potter’s 6th grade English class.
(Attendees have told us this section alone was worth their entire investment in the program… and at the very least, after watching this module, you’ll never look at another speaker the same way again.)
Module #5
How to Overdeliver, Create Raving Fans, And Get More Referrals, Testimonials, and Online Business.
- I’ll show you everything including “Outsourcing, Crowdsourcing and Hiring Teams” to outsource your delivery so you can make more and work less.
- You’ll discover how to get clients to Stay, Pay You More, and Refer.
- PLUS, you’ll get my “4-Question” testimonial script which creates massive referrals.
I Also Include Everything You Need For Your Consulting Business In The Proposal Toolkit!
Everything you need to run a seamless, successful consulting business written for you.
An outline for instantly creating a sales script that you can use for books, presentations, interviews, and more!
Such as:
Appointment Setting Script
Confirmation Emails
Confirmation Script to Schedule Speaking Events
Letter to Book Speaking Events
Sales Video Script
Opt-in Video Script
Lead Page Video Script
… And So Much More!
And if that wasn’t enough, I’ve included the following bonuses.
Be one of the first individuals to sign up for this course during the limited time this offer is open to the public, and you get...
Fast-Action BONUS #1
Done-For-You Consulting Business Models
5 Plug-and-Play business models ready to take off including all the scripts, forms, proposals, and agreements for Book Marketing, Digital Marketing, Video Marketing, Product Marketing, and Strategic Advisor (Ed’s favorite!).
Fast-Action BONUS #2
5 Pre-Written, Ready-to-Use Presentations
5 Ready-To-Go, Professionally-Produced, PowerPoint / Keynote presentations to use on webcasts, webinars, speaking events, and 1-on-1 presentations. (See! I told you we did the work for you!)
Top Gun Consulting with Ed Rush
Remember, the risk is entirely on ME.
In fact, you get not 1 but 2 guarantees...
Here’s The Boldest, 100% Risk-FREE,
Buy-in-Confidence Double Guarantee Ever.
GUARANTEE #1: You'll Be "Blown Away" Or Your Money Back
First, register now. Get the course materials and go over them. Read the course content, and go over all the materials, including all the scripts, resources, and notes. And give it a try.
If you are not completely BLOWN-AWAY and on the path to success, just let me or my team know, turn in your materials and we will give you a 100% refund… and we can still be friends.
Listen, I know this is going to be the course you're still talking about 10 years from now. You just need to see it to believe it.
You also get the unprecedented…
GUARANTEE #2: Make $5,000 In 60 Days or Get Your Money Back.
Here is the way this works.
I am SO confident that you will be on the road to consulting riches that I am personally putting my own money on the line. I am GUARANTEEING you will close a deal worth $5,000 in the first 60-days after the training.
If you don’t, you can have your money back and keep the course.
The only “qualification” for this is you have to attend the course, take the modules, and show me just 1-2 things you’ve implemented. That’s it.
The bottom line is this system is proven to work, so I am willing to bet on it.
So enroll below.
P.S. Right now you have three choices....
1. Option #1 (not recommended): You Can Pass up on this opportunity.
Perhaps you’re hoping that it will come again. You want to keep doing what you’re doing, dreaming that one day you’re able to stop struggling and start living the life you were meant to live, always wondering “what if."
2. Option #2 (not recommended): Go back and “think about it.”
Perhaps you think it’s best to just wait it out and sit on the sidelines for now to watch your friends become successful while you wait. This is your chance, and perhaps your last chance, to make a decision that can forever change your business, your world, your life.
3. Option: Put your business (and future) in Afterburner and grab this opportunity NOW.
You’re going to join me and learn the skills, the steps, and the actionable strategies that you can start implementing to make a massive change in your life (in fact, you’re going to implement some right there on the spot with me). Good call.
The choice is clear.
The choice is yours.
The choice is NOW.
Don’t wait another lifetime for another opportunity like this, an opportunity to learn how to pivot your business, transform your career, and make the kind of money you’ve been wanting to make.
P.P.S. Some FAQs…
You can expect to make at least $5,000 in the first 60 days or your money back. How about them apples? I am assuming you are not interested in fluff. Neither am I. So when you get in and take action, you will see results.
When you enroll. You will have instant access!
Example, my first round of students came from all walks of life…
- a home-school Mom
- a baseball coach
- a horse trainer
- a radio producer for ABC / Disney
- a motivational speaker
- a retired doctor
- a balloon vendor
- a financial advisor
- and 118 other people from every background imaginable.
They went back into the world to consult on everything including health, fitness, dieting, relationships, social media, sales, and more.
And they had a 87.4% success rate. Ever heard of that before?
I can only think of a few reasons.
This program isn’t for you if…
- You have no plans of ever taking action (ever)
- You are unwilling to get out of your personal protective shell so you can help people
- You are truly repelled by money. You consider yourself a socialist so therefore you think money is evil and don’t want to have anything to do with it.
If any of these are true for you, hard pass.
That said…
- If you are an action taker
- If you like helping people
- If the idea of a very full bank account is exciting to you…
Get The Top Gun Consultant System NOW
The #1 Proven Successful System for
Getting & Closing Big Deals
Get Started for as
Little as $727 Today
You will make just 3 Monthly
Payments of $727 and
You Make One Payment of
Just $1,997