You’re Invited to a 2-Day Event Where You Will…
Discover How to Ask God Questions About Your Purpose/Business
(And Get Answers)

God Talks LIVE Event

Fri/Sat Sept 15-16, 2023
From the desk of Ed Rush...
I’ll get right to the point with a fairly bold claim:
This is the single most important, most impactful event you will ever attend.
Here's why...
Getting advice on your business is important, but what’s more important is WHO you get advice from. There is an abundance of well-meaning coaches and consultants who are more than happy to give you advice that may (or may not) work.
But what would happen if you could connect to Divine Intelligence and instantly get THE BEST answers to your business questions?
What if you could do it on demand?
What if you could instantly connect to God and receive wisdom for your decisions, your schedule, even your marketing?
It would change everything.
So to be as direct as I can: I would like to make that introduction and let the conversation begin.
That’s what this event is all about.
I have done this God Talks Process with well over 1,000 students and the results have been extraordinary.

At the event...

Listen, just ONE new client, product sale, or deal pays for your entire event (and then some)! You'll get to meet and get to know some of the best entrepreneurs on the planet. So while the rest of your competition is sitting at home watching re-runs of The Jersey Shore, you'll be making connections that can change your life and business.

Hear from Previous Event Attendees
Our attendees come from all walks of life, from countries around the world, and have every kind of business imaginable. The ONE thing they do have in common is a desire to share their message and help more people. of the reasons to come to an event like this is to connect with other like-minded business owners. Deals get made at these events. Big deals. So, if you're abundance-minded, this is your place.

Join Ed Rush for Destiny-Changing Days!
Here's Why You Should Attend Now...
My events are exploding and this message is getting a lot of traction. What that means to you is this is the event you want to attend. If you wait, there will be thousands of attendees, instead of hundreds. So at this event, you will get personal attention and coaching if you want it from me or my team. We’ll be there the entire time. We will even set aside special time on some of the breaks to help you. That doesn’t always happen at my events, but this one is different. And you are important to me.
The investment is an absolute deal. I should have made the price 3x higher. It’s worth it. But I believe in you and I want you there no matter what.
So enroll now.
Like now, now.
You will be happy that you did.
P.S. You don’t have to have any particular religious belief system in place to make this event work for you. Heck, you don’t even need to believe that these “God Talks” will work to make God Talks work. I’ve seen this work for everyone, including Buddhists and Hindus and Christians and Muslims and Atheists and Skeptics and people who don’t know what to believe but pretend to anyway.
I’ve been using God Talks now for over ten years—and let me just say from experience—God’s voice is always Kind. His voice sounds like Love.
Because it is.
P.P.S. “Life-Changing Event” doesn’t even come close to what you are about to experience.
P.P.P.S. This is the part of the letter where I am supposed to say we only have a certain number of seats and we’ll sell out fast, so act now, etc…
I am not going to do that.
The bottom line is we have room for as many who want to come. From 10 to 400. My guess is it will be on the smaller end of the scale, but who knows. It could be 400.
What’s really important is that this is the first and maybe last time I am doing this event this way. And once you close this page, no matter what your intentions are, you’re probably not coming back.
So why not take a chance on yourself?
Why not take a chance on good?
Enroll now. It will be one of the best decisions you ever made.

One Payment of $497.00
You get...
One Payment of $497