The Official Success Blog of ED RUSH
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Big Bonus: How to Make Money with What You Know… (Weekly Flight Brief)
Has anyone ever asked to take you to lunch so they can “pick your brain?” You know what that really means? It means YOU have something someone would pay you for. That’s why this week’s Flight Brief is designed to show you how to make money right now. As in now-now. In the Flight…
Read More How to Give a Great Podcast Interview and More…(Weekly Flight Brief)
I am going to shift the Flight Brief format and give you a big bonus. One of the questions I get asked a LOT is how to conduct a great podcast interview. So instead of telling you, I am just going to show you. All of the tips are below in the email, but the…
Read More Democracy Shrugged & “What’s Working Now” Video Tips (Weekly Flight Brief)
I don’t know about you, but it feels like the world is rebooting its software. Just remember, what feels like chaos can easily be re-interpreted as opportunity. In other words, if you’re smart, you can come out of all of this with a bigger following and a bigger bank account. Plus, the world…
Read More The NEXT Pivot (Weekly Flight Brief)
Remember last week when I introduced the concept of “The BIG Pivot?” We are going deeper on that today. In just a few short minutes, you’ll know… How to take advantage of a 80-year world reset So you can create a business that will LAST So that together we can change the world. You’ll…
Read More The BIG Pivot (Weekly Flight Brief)
This week’s Flight Brief is about what I am calling “The BIG Pivot.” Today, you’re about to learn… What the brave new world is going to look like post-quarantine And how to take advantage of a H-u-y-u-u-u-u-g-e opportunity So you can share your message with the world and make a lot of money doing…
Read More 4 Fighter Pilot Tips for More FOCUS (EdTalks Weekly Flight Brief Ep 4)
This week’s Flight Brief is about one thing: FOCUS. Today, you’re about to learn… How to get more out of each day. So you can conquer every obstacle And then change the world. Here we go… What I am Focusing On 5-simple letters made into one powerful word: FOCUS. You can accomplish more in one…
Read More Broadcasting YOU! (Your Weekly Flight Brief)
You can now fully digest the weekly flight briefing in the format of your choice. Video, Podcast or here on the Blog. Sometimes good things come in BIG packages.This episode is a little bit LONG which means it’s also JAMMED with tips on how you can Create compelling content* faster Broadcast your message to…
Read More How to Write, Breathe, and Wake UP Better (Your Weekly Flight Brief)
You can now fully digest the weekly flight briefing in the format of your choice. Video, Podcast or Blog Edition. In this week’s edition, you’ll Write Better, Breathe Better, and Wake Up Happier. Now, how is THAT for packing a lot in a small package? Onward! What I Am Reading Ok, if you…
Read More Total Mind Control (Your Weekly Flight Briefing)
You can now fully digest the weekly flight briefing in the format of your choice. Video, Podcast or Blog Edition. These Weekly Flight Briefs are intended to be like a cafeteria (for great information instead of meat loaf). So take what you want and enjoy. Just don’t feel compelled to do it…
Read More The Coming Global Hyper-Evolution & How to Leverage for Good
The world’s economy is changing at Mach speed. You can get dragged along kicking and screaming or you can leverage it for good. On this episode of Bunker Bash, my guest Perry Marshall is going to show you how to leverage it for good. If you don’t know Perry, he’s one of the smartest people…
Read More Economic Destruction Reconstructed
On this show… You’ll learn exactly how destructive our nation’s money decisions are becoming and (more importantly) what you can do about it. Discover the single decision made over 100 years ago that radically changed the way business operates today. What to do with your time, attention, focus, and money RIGHT NOW so you…
Read More Weekly Flight Briefing 2 (COVID-19…And Random Virtue Signaling)
I know life is crazy right now. Bottom line: we’re all about to spend a LOT more time at home. But what I am about to say is extremely important: in the middle of MASSIVE turmoil there is an even more MASSIVE opportunity in the new “expert economy” that is emerging. As a teacher/thought leader,…
Read More The Weekly Flight Briefing
Welcome to a new series called The Weekly Flight Briefing. This series is intended to show you some fun ways to get to your dreams faster. Think of it as “Afterburner for Success.” Each week, I’ll share with you a few tips that can make a big difference for you, your business, and your life.…
Read More Total Mind Control
What if you could have complete control of every thought, every emotion, and every stray neuron? What if you could use your brain to re-create your life and business into the life and business of your dreams? Good News: You Can. Better News: I’ll show you how in this episode of Ed Talks. Here are…
Read More From The Inner City to The Super Bowl with NFL Star Jahri Evans
On this week’s Ed Talks Show, I interview Super Bowl Champion (and 6-Time Pro Bowl Player) Jahri Evans. Jahri recently left the NFL and has launched several businesses. So this week’s interview is part success, part story, and part business strategy. If you’re in a hurry, here are some Time Stamps to points in the…
Read More How to Talk Politics Without Losing Your Friends
Remember the Great Presidential Battle of 1992? Bush v. Clinton, right? Nah – I remember the great Presidential Battle as the one between my Mom and “Aunt Georgie.” Mom was a big Bush supporter. Aunt Georgie loved Clinton. It was also the first time I witnessed political debate amongst family and friends. And…it…was…awesome. Now, while…
Read More The Marketing Magic Move
ONE word. ONE 6,000-year-old word. This ONE word has toppled kingdoms, started wars, and ended wars. This ONE word can also get you anything you want. This ONE Word is revealed in this Podcast. I am also going to show you how I used this ONE Word to instantly cure stage fright.If you’re in a…
Read More Mission POSSIBLE
What do you do when you’re out of gas in an F-18……and you’re 1,000 miles from the nearest airport? You do the IMPOSSIBLE or you die. You can catch the whole story here in this week’s Ed Talks, Episode 3. This is the next Episode of Ed Talks in a series called “What’s Wrong with…
Read More The Republic of Vulture’s Row
Back in 1999, I almost killed myself. I landed on an aircraft carrier …for the first time …at night. You can catch the whole story right here, in this week’s Ed Talks, Episode 2. Powerful Moments in The Republic of Vulture’s Row (Ed Talks : Episode 2) 0:10 – What Do You Do When You…
Read More Horse Manure Leadership
Let’s face it: America is in Trouble. The good news is that together, we have a chance to fix this forever and for good. This is the Inaugural Episode of my new show called “Ed Talks” – our show will cover leadership, business, productivity, and more. On Episode #1, I show you how we can solve…
Read More If Your Goals Are Realistic, You Didn’t Do It Right
You’ve been led to believe that the first lesson in goal setting is to “set realistic goals.” That’s total baloney. Whoever invented that was a Turtle. (To see what I mean by “Turtle,” read my previous article here.) You should throw that piece of advice out your car window. And then drive over it a…
Read More How to Make Life Changing Decisions
They call it “comfort time.” I am not sure who came up with that definition, but in my humble opinion, it was anything but comfortable. You see, there is a time in every Marine fighter pilot’s life when he has to land on an aircraft carrier for the first time at night. Notice that I…
Read More Successful People Move Fast
Is success meant for everyone? Or only destined for a chosen few? I discovered the answer while in the military… It was at Navy flight school that I first discovered the difference between successful people and everyone else. Successful people compress time and do things faster — not because they can but because they realize…
Read More Why Open Door Policies Don’t Work
One thing is certain: If you’re reading this, you are a leader. It doesn’t matter if you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or the mother of two, the guy who started Apple or the guy who starts the wave at the next ball game; people are looking to you for guidance. Oftentimes,…
Read More Bad Math. Good Business
Having done well over 300 coaching days, I can tell you that hitting your income goals comes down to doing ONE THING consistently. What’s the one thing? That’s different for every business. Just check out the video below that I created with my buddy Mike Koenigs and let me know what you think. If you’re…
Read More Why The Most Successful People Design Their Lives Around Strategic Sprints
What is the most common fallacy of success? It’s that to be successful, you must work long, hard hours at a relentless pace that never waivers. That’s why people always say, “Time is money!” Yes, to a degree, time IS money, but not all time is created equal with regard to how we should be…
Read More The “Sprint and Rest” Secret to Getting Anything (Everything) Done
Let’s get right to the point. You have access to the most powerful book on the Planet. (I am biased but it doesn’t mean I’m not right 🙂 ). So if you have the 21 Day Miracle book (and you should) then by now, you should have launched your own 21 Day Miracle, changed yourself,…
Read More How to Get Things Done Fast…with more FUN.
The more things change, the more they remain the same. Compared to the small, single-engine biplanes that the U.S. military flew in World War I, today’s combat fighters are sleek, stealthy, and capable of raining destruction upon the enemy at great ranges. But while technology has changed a great deal over the past 80+ years,…
Read More The 4 Horsemen of Business Growth
Every business owner I know wants 3 things: more income, more impact, and a better (easier) lifestyle. Ask someone their goals and I’ll bet you a bottle of wine that whatever comes out of their mouth next falls into 1 of those 3 categories. Examples… I’d like to grow my business by 25% this year.…
Read More Humans Were Not Designed for Consistency
How many times do you start something new and promise yourself that you will “stick to it?” Maybe that’s a new diet, an exercise regime, going to bed early, or a daily practice in the office. Inevitably, you stop doing it. Why is that? Is it because you’re weak? No, you’re just not designed…
Read More 16 Rules To Change the World
Here is something I wrote as a set of rules for myself. I thought it might be useful, if for nothing else, just to show you a new way of thinking. My recommendation is to print out a copy and post it somewhere prominent. You can find a PDF version on my website at www.edrush.com/Bonus.…
Read More Be a Leader Who Knows His People
It was cold, wet, and rainy. I was covered with grease, oil, and fuel. My fingers were numb (one was bleeding), and to top it all off, it was 1 a.m. and I needed to sleep. Did I mention it was cold? But even though I wasn’t feeling all warm and fuzzy, they loved every…
Read More Into the Darkness and Back Again: The Business Lessons I Learned From Landing on an Aircraft Carrier at Night
“The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.” – Anonymous They call it “comfort time.” I am not sure who came up with that definition, but in my humble opinion, it was anything but comfortable. You see, there is a time in every Marine fighter pilot’s life when…
Read More How I Train
To become a fighter pilot, I spent years in flight simulators, on the ground, and in the air. I learned just how critical training was. On some occasions, my training literally saved my life. Although my version of training is different now, I still spend time training every day. So — do you…
Read More Fastest Route Between Two Points
Have you seen the movie Amadeus? If you haven’t, there’s your homework assignment for this weekend, but for now keep reading… In the movie, there’s a point where the King tells Mozart that his symphony has “too many notes.” That’d be like you or me telling Samsung that their new 4K UHD television has…
Read More How to Think on Your Feet When You’re in Front of the Boss
“I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true — hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.” — Ray Bradbury Back in my Marine Corps days, I got an e-mail that read like this: “You…
Read More Define Abundance: How Do You Hit an Unidentified Target?
The answer is… You don’t! In this short video, I’ll briefly explain the importance of defining the target (specifically what abundance means to you). The good news is that once it’s a target, you can hit it. Watch it HERE: As a highly trained, Marine F-18 Fighter Pilot, I am very good at hitting…
Read More The 3 Stages of Money
Did you know there’s different types of money in your business? In this short video, I’ll briefly explain the 3 different types of money. Being familiar with these different types will help you keep more of your money. Watch it HERE: I already know you’re going to get tons of value from the short video…
Read More The Best $4 Purchase I’ve Ever Made
Hey there. This is a quick video (3 minutes) where you’ll learn my #1 app for increasing productivity and hacking sleep. Just take a look. You’ll love it! Here is the link to my “Go To” NR headphones. They aren’t cheap, but if you ever fly, you’ll be glad you got these. Bose Quiet Comfort…
Read More The Business Lesson I Learned Fighting (and Beating) a MiG-29
“Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold — but so does a hard-boiled egg.” – Anonymous The hands-down, number one dream of a lifetime for any F-18 fighter pilot is to fight against Russian-made MiG aircraft. And the only thing better than fighting one…
Read More Only 1 in 3 People Report Being Happy
According to a recent study, only one person in three reports being happy. Think about that for a moment. Are you one of the happy people, or one of the other two searching for more? It’s strange when you consider the world we live in… We have so much that “should” make us happy. …
Read More The Value of Systems
Most pilots hope they never end up in an out of control airplane. And most are good enough to make that happen. Not me. I’ve been out of control twice. (Hooray me!) The last time I was out of control was over the ocean west of the Japanese island of Okinawa. It was during a…
Read More The Biggest Lie In Personal Growth
What’s faster… A hot air balloon or a jet airplane? Correct, a jet airplane. Let’s try another… An injured person on crutches or an Olympic sprinter? Correct again, an Olympic sprinter. Ok, last one… A tortoise or a hare? Ahhhh, you hesitated!! Why? You’ve been told that slow and steady wins the race. And you’ve…
Read More When Hiring Employees: Here’s How to Not Hire Yourself
I stink at hiring. Seriously, there are two areas that I am totally unqualified to give any advice on: relationships and hiring. I’ve started and sold several companies. I’ve worked with over 320 One-On-One consulting clients – and I’ve made millions of dollars and made billions of mistakes. (I counted.) But I’ve never been good…
Read More There Are Four Types of People in the World (And Only One of Them Is Right)
Want to change the world? If so, you want to get more done, in less time, with less waste. And that starts with managing your TIME. To get there, first identify your TYPE. There are only four types of people in the world. You can see them in the four quadrants below. Which one are…
Read More On Race and The Future of America
Every Wednesday, I release the Weekly Flight Brief full of tips and strategies to help you share your message, make more money, and change the world. But frankly, this is a hard week for tips and strategies. So I am going to interrupt this program to share with you something I wrote 4 years ago.…
Read More How I Wrote a 288 Page Book in 7 Days…and How You Can Too. (Even if You Failed Mrs. Potter’s 3rd Grade English Class)
For most authors, the process of writing a book can be a major drag. It sounds all fun . . . sitting there . . . sharing your wisdom . . . sipping coffee . . . and listening to the birds sing. But in reality, writing can be an arduous, difficult and painful struggle.…
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